Privacy instellingen

You can protect yourself from any unpleasant users by blacklisting them. It is located in the settings:

A blacklisted user will not be able to send you friend requests, private messages or disturb you in any other way.

To add a user to the blacklist, go to the user's page and in the menu under the user name click on the "··· More" → "Block user".
Was dit nuttig?
To view and change your privacy settings, You need to click on your avatar on the right in the header, go to "account Settings" in the right box "Other links" choose "privacy Settings".
Was dit nuttig?
To view the list of blocked users, you need to go to "Account settings", in the right block "Other links" select "Privacy settings", then in the right block "Blocked Users" select - "Manage blocked users".
Was dit nuttig?
Go to the section "Account settings", in the right block "Other links" select "Privacy Settings" and then select "Profile" in the right menu.
Was dit nuttig?
Werkt er iets mis, anders heb je het antwoord op je vraag niet gevonden? - Schrijf ter ondersteuning.