Giúp Trung Tâm
Trở lại Không gian khiêu vũ
Cho thực đơn
Truy cập vào trang
How do I log out of DanceSpace?
How do I change my password?
How do I add an ad?
Câu hỏi chung
Do I have to pay for using DanceSpace? They say that DanceSpace will become paid. Is it true?
At what age can I register on DanceSpace?
Hồ sơ
How do I delete my account permanently?
How do I change the email address to which DanceSpace sends notifications?
Where can I find my settings?
Những thiết lập riêng tư
Where are the privacy settings located?
Where is my Blacklist located?
How can I close my page from other users?
Bạn bè và người theo dõi
How do I make sure that my friends can find me on DanceSpace?
How do I find friends on DanceSpace?
How to set the main photo (avatar)?
How do I upload a photo to an album?
How do I hide my photos from other users?
How do I upload a video to the website?
How do I delete a video?
How do I edit an added video? How do I change its name and description?
Âm nhạc
How do I upload an audio recording to the website?
Tin nhắn
How can I write a message?
How can I create a chat for several people?
Các nhóm
How to create a community?
Tin tức
How does news search work?
How can I complain about misleading information?
How to make a record repost?
Sự kiện
Rules for the post of the event
How do I create an event?
Việc làm
Vacancy placement rules
Resume placement rules
How do I add a vacancy?
Cơ quan
Organization placement rules
How do I add an organization?
Các mặt hàng
What products can be placed?
How to sell a product?
Bảng chú giải thuật ngữ
News Feed
Có điều gì đó không ổn, hoặc bạn không tìm thấy câu trả lời cho câu hỏi của mình? -
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