The application related to the illegal Content posted This section was created to provide you with opportunity to inform us about possible intellectual property rights infringement.If you have any other questions, please contact Support.Before contacting the Administration with the complaint, please read our Regulations for Investigating Content-Related Complaints on DANCESPACE. Information on disputed content Confirming documents × Glisser-déposer les fichiers ici ou parcourir You can upload up to five files of no more than 50 MB each.We support the following file types: .jpg, .png, .gif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, pdf, png, jpg, gif, psd, djvu, fb2, ps Right holder information Natural person Legal person I state that the person specified above as a copyright holder is the right holder of the arguable content specified by me. I have stated that the specified user is using the content mentioned above without right holder's permission or any legal background. I realize that a wrongful accusation of copyright infringement using this form may result in negative legal consequences for me. I agree that the specified email address will be used by the Site Administration for further communication regarding the application. I consent for the personal data mentioned above, as well as the complaint and the information provided within it (including personal data), to be processed by the DANCESPACE Administration. I give consent for the complaint to be forwarded to the person I specified above as the user who uploaded the controversial content and that all this information may be forwarded to the person challenging the complaint. I agree with the conditions of the Regulations for Investigating Content-Related Complaints on DANCESPACE. Send Last Name