Lola Fisher Academy of Dance

3.50 ( кол. отзывов: 6 )
Victoria Park Community Centre, Victoria Road, Bridgwater TA6 7AS, United Kingdom
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The Lola Fisher Academy of Dance is an inspiring institution where dance transforms into art, and students gain confidence, flexibility, and a passion for movement. Our academy offers a rich palette of dance styles and teaching methods, creating the perfect space for anyone looking to master the world of dance.Professional Instructors: Our instructors are true stars in the world of dance, with years of experience and numerous awards. They will help you develop your talent and reach new heights in the art of dance.

Variety of Styles: We offer training in various styles, including ballet, contemporary dance, hip-hop, Latin dances, jazz, and more. You can find the style that resonates with you.

Individualized Approach: At Lola Fisher Academy, we believe in an individualized approach to each student. We help you cultivate your strengths and work on weaknesses to become a confident and skilled dancer.

Creative Atmosphere: Here, you'll find a creative and supportive atmosphere where you can express yourself through movement, create your own choreography, and participate in exciting projects.

Performances and Opportunities: Lola Fisher Academy provides numerous opportunities for performances and participation in competitions. You can showcase your skills and talent to the world.

Join Lola Fisher Academy of Dance and discover the amazing world of dance where grace meets artistry, and your dreams become a reality.


Танцевальные стили C-walk
Возраст учеников Начальная школа (1-4 классы), Средняя школа (5-7 классы), Студенты, Пожилые люди
Дополнительные опции Раздевалка, Душевая, Шкафчики для хранения одежды


Victoria Park Community Centre, Victoria Road, Bridgwater TA6 7AS, United Kingdom

Детали страницы

ID страницы: 26241
Показов: 2804
Добавлено: 12-08-2021 11:49:19
В категориях: Танцевальные школы


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3.50 ( кол. отзывов: 6 )

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