Points Assignment

Earn points when you perform specific actions.
Tag items on a photo
Earn points when you tag someone or an item in a photo.
Remove tagged items on a photo
Deduct points when you remove a tag on a photo.
Like a photo
Earn points when you like a photo.
Unlike a photo
Deduct points when you unlike a photo.
Comment on a photo
Earn points when you comment on a photo.
Comment removed from a photo
Deduct points when your comment is removed from a photo.
Add Polls
Earn points when user added new poll.
Remove Polls
Points will be deducted when poll is deleted from the site.
Vote on Polls
Earn points when vote on poll items.
Unvote on Polls
Points will be deducted when user unvote poll items.
Like Posts
Earn points when someone likes your posts.
Unlike Posts
Demote points when someone unlike your posts.
Update your privacy
Points will be given when you update your privacy settings.
Updates profile
Points will be given when you update your profile.
Update your avatar
Points will be given once when you update your avatar to replace the default avatar.
Follow another user on the site
Earn points when you follow other users on the site
Unfollow user on the site
Demote points when you unfollow other users on the site
Being followed by another user on the site
Earn points when your profile is being followed by another user on the site.
Unfollowed by users who were following your profile
Deduct points when your existing followers unfollow your profile.
Report an item
Points will be given when you help to moderate contents on the site by reporting on items.
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